I use my AP for a detonater to set of kinepack.
This is my own receipt it is better to do it by a more detailed procedure which can be found in the "link section".
But here you can see the basics.
It is very easy to make, Their are so many receipts on the internet but I still use my own procedure,
some say it is very dangerous to make your AP at a temperature higher than 20 degreesC, well I always make mine at 40 degreesC and it is very stable.
I use the following chemicals.
30% Hydrogenperoxide 100ml
30% Hydrochloric acid 10ml
Acetone 100ml
I make it on a very simple way,
In a glass jar put 100ml acetone and then put 100ml hydrogenperoxide into the same jar, the temp. will rise very fast, wait untill it drops down to 40c, then add 5ml hcl and strir with a glass temp. than wait untill the temp. won't rise. keep the temp below 50c, than add the next 5ml.
Than wait for a few hours, then you will see that the jar is full with AP, filter this and wash the cristalls under allot of tapwater, let it dry and be very carefull, the say AP is very sensitive, well I've never noticed that, it did not went off when I hit it with a metal hamer on a metal ground, be carefull maybe I was just lucky.
You should add to the remaining liquid about 5ml. hcl. then their will come more AP.
For really detailed Receipts look at my links.
Aceton and the H2o2
After 5min when all the acid is mixed.
When the mixture is getting nearly 60C, I will cool it in cold water, like this, untill
it drops till 50C.
You will have to wait a few hours, so you can watch some television with your cat.
then you have to wash the cristals very good to drive off the remaining acid, and wash it with soda and lot's of water.
and then it must be very dry before using it.