5gr of AP is a very good detonator to set of ANNM/Kinepack, not for Anfos, Anfos needs a faster/stronger detonator, which is Kinepack, I've never failled to detonate Anfos when I used Kinepack as a detonater, also APAN in form of 1:10 will work perfect to set off straight Anfos.
On the left you can see an empty icebox, I've build an receiver in it to open garagedoors by radiocontrol, the right on
the box their is the transmitter, The system works on UHF, so I can set off my explosives for about 1km which is far enough.
to the right their are two blasting caps filled with AP about 5-6gr into a sambalbox from a chinese restaurant.
Some stoneplates on one of the 5gr. AP
Same roofplates.
And ofcourse, the results.